Characteristics of Diagnosis and Treatment

Our department focuses on minimally invasive gynecological treatment and managing gynecological endocrinological diseases.

We host a Level-IV training base for gynecological endoscopic surgery honored by Ministry of Health. Since the establishment of the department, nearly 10,000 cases of minimally invasive gynecological operation have been completed by laparoscopy and hysteroscopy. Among all the surgical procedures, more than 85% was performed by minimal invasion operations. In addition, we are piloting in non-pneumoperitoneum suspension laparoscopy and Novasure endometrial ablation in Jilin province. Excellent clinical outcomes were achieved by these innovative treatment approaches.

We have a group of gynecological reproductive and endocrinology specialists, who are also dedicated to the research in reproductive endocrinological pathology, with rich clinical experience and expertise. Our Menopause Clinic is specialized in managing the patients with menopause and irregular uterine bleeding. In addition, our Colposcopy and Cervical Disease Clinic leaded by experienced colposcopy specialists provide stand of care for screening cervical cancer and diagnosing and treating of cervical pathologies.

We also provide rapid rehabilitation service to effectively improve the psychological stress and physical suffering after the surgeries, shorten the hospitalization duration, and reduce the hospitalization cost.

Furthermore, we provide standard of care for the patients with pelvic floor disorders. Our Pelvic Floor Clinic counsels about 3,000 patients, performs up to 2000 cases of pelvic floor function assessments, provides surgical treatment for more than 300 patients each year.

In order to extend medical services to home care, our department has established a patient follow-up system so that patients can receive a full range of medical services. As a result, we deliver systematic, professional and convenient medical services and guidance for outpatient rehabilitation and continuity of care.